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Blog Posts

  • Are Mormons Polygamists? (No, And Here’s Why)

    With TV shows and stories coming out about Mormon men who take multiple wives, for those not familiar with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, it seems natural to wonder, “Are Mormons polygamists?” No, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which is commonly known as the Mormon church, does not condone…

  • Mormon Beliefs: 6 Core Beliefs & 3 FAQs

    With more than 16 million members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints worldwide, Mormonism is a fast-growing religion. But what do Mormons believe? Mormons have a unique set of beliefs that set them apart from other Christian denominations (yes, Mormons are Christians). In this article, we’ll get into those fundamental beliefs that the…

  • Differences Between Mormons & Christians (5 Beliefs Compared)

    While Mormons consider themselves to be part of the Christian church, there are a few differences that make some Christians feel that they are not. Here are a few key areas where Mormons and Christians differ: Scriptural Cannon View of God View of Jesus View of Humans Salvation So, while Mormons consider themselves Christians, there are…

  • Do Mormons Believe In Hell? (Yes, But It’s Not What You Think)

    Most religions have some sort of belief about rewarding and punishing experiences after death. What about Mormons? Do Mormons believe in Hell? Yes, Mormons believe in hell, but not quite in the same way that mainstream Christianity believe. They believe that hell is a place where those who have not accepted Jesus Christ as their…

  • Can Mormons Drink Alcohol? (No, And This Is Why…)

    The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints teaches that alcohol, tobacco, coffee, and illegal drugs are harmful to the body and should not be used. The Word of Wisdom, a health code revealed to Joseph Smith in 1833, prohibits the use of these substances. Church leaders have counseled against drinking alcohol. In general, Latter-day Saints…

  • Why Can’t Mormons Drink Coffee? (And What They Drink Instead)

    One time I invited some missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints for a Bible study and innocently offered tea or coffee and found out (with respect) that they were not allowed to drink coffee (or tea). You may be wondering the same thing: Why can’t Mormons drink coffee? The simple answer…